(318) 346-2726
Treating Services Only (TSO)
LeMoyen operates most automated, high output CCA treating plant in U.S.
LeMoyen is the first US operation to deploy a wood preservative treatment system that features integrated, fully automated material handling.
LeMoyen selected the IWT-MOLDRUP system and although the system is equipped to use several types of water-borne preservatives LeMoyen has deployed the system for treating with CCA, chromated copper arsenate, with standard retention rates of 0.6, 0.8, and 2.5 lbs/cu. ft.
The plant features the automatic flushing/cleaning system when changing between the preservatives. It is a state-of-the-art plant capable of treating 8,500 board feet per charge. With a cycle time of 60-80 minutes, the system is expected to treat 19 charges of Southern Yellow Pine lumber per 24-hour day or an average of 142,500 board feet. With its integrated automated material handling, the system can operate on a third shift overnight without oversight.
To discuss drying and treating services for your lumber or timber contact the mill manager, Andre Herpin at (318) 346-2726 or email him at aherpin@lemoyenmill.com.

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